Wednesday, March 25, 2009


That is to be said as a crying sound. I can't believe we didn't get the Fiskar's grant. I need feedback! I wrote Fiskars, and they said that they would get back to me. At least that is good:

Hi, Nicole, Thanks for the timely notice. I am incredibly disappointed that we did not receive the grant, but happy to hear community gardening is so abundant across the country. I was wondering if Fiskars has any feedback for our community garden members who pitched in to create the grant materials. We would like to apply again in the future, but feel it would be helpful to understand what we did where we fell short. Any advice or information you could share with us would be so welcome and appreciated. Thanks again,Amy

Hi Amy I will look over your application and get back to you early next week with any suggestions. Thank you,Nicole Mayasich

1 comment:

Trish said...

Amy, I am sure your grant writing was fantastic. Just like Bill said the other day, there has been such an increase in applications. This economy is effecting everything.