Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Creating a Connection with OSU MG

Here is an email about creating a connection with the OSU Master Gardener program, of which I am a proud member. I worked hard for the MG title, and I don't mind sharing that fact with you! :) Anyway, this partnership could be really exciting; full of possibilities!

Cory, I would like to help at LAMC. Should I contact Mike Fribley? Also, at some point, I would like publicize the same kind of work opportunity at the community garden I am working on. Is there a special way to create a partnership between the MGs and a garden/work site? Something that is always ongoing? ThanksAmy

I forwarded to Mike and Juliet to loop you in. Send Mike an e-mail as well to follow-up.
I want to have the Franklin County MGs formalize our relationships with other organizations with Memoranda of Understanding. I have a draft MOU on our website to use in starting discussion with the other organization(s) http://franklin.osu.edu/horticulture/master-gardener-training-new
I also want photos, text, etc to put on our web site to trumpet MG work around the county.

1 comment:

Trish said...

Amy, For years I have wondered why there has not been more of a partnership with the Master Gardeners program. The program and its members have so much that they could teach the community. I had someone come to The Godman Guild and the kids really enjoyed it. Local Matters will also be debuting a new children's ecology curriculum next Fall. Ruth Wilson is designing the curriculum with our brilliant Susan Weber, then it will be owned by LM. There are so many possibilities for collaboration. An organized partnership would be mutually beneficial too, as I know that community volunteering is part of their programming. I would love to help in any way. You are so good at making things happen!