Saturday, December 6, 2008

Editing Help Email

Hi, Roger, If you have some time, I would love to take you up on your offer to help with the grant writing in order to get this community garden looking as amazing as it can. This grant is for $2500-1500 in trees, plants, shrubs, so it is significant to our work, to say the least! And exciting! I have already done an almost final draft of the grant, but it can definitely use your professional touch. Feel free to make any changes, additions, etc. Attached are two documents. One is a copy of the website on a word document, just so you can see what they want-you don't need to spend any time on this one; it is just for your reference. The second is a corresponding document with the answers typed out on there (including the questions). I would like to apply for this asap because next quarter will be crazy for me. The deadline isn't until April, but I have three other grants to write up too! THANKS!Amy

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