Thursday, December 11, 2008

Garden Co-Planners Unite Email

Hi, Ladies!

I am writing to you all because you have told me you are interested in being a garden co-planner and I would like to come together in the new year to get our garden going by May 2009.

I think co-planning can really look any way that works best for you and all of our busy lives, but I thought it might be a good idea for us to communicate what you want and I need to get this garden off the ground. So, far, I have been trying to delegate out a few tasks here and there as well as organize meetings. I don't want to overwhelm anyone, so I just kind of find something that needs done and email a description of the project out. Does that work for you? Is there something else you would like to do?

I was hoping to go over this at our last meeting, but we haven't all been together. Perhaps we should organize a coffee/tea meeting to talk about the timeline, roles, to-do's etc. What do you think? Maybe in January after the holidays? I know Linda has little ones, so I would be happy to come over there if that would make life easier. And, we could just make the meeting just for us (not the rest of SH), so no one has to do anything other than just show up. Anyway, let me know about that...

I have also been writing the grants. Here is the update:

  1. $1500: Fiskars-Due in Feb 09, and has a second creative part after the first due date that I am a little nervous about! Linda is going to proof this one for me. I have asked Melody and Kim to think through connections we can make with our community to answer one of the grant questions. ((After the brainstorm, we will need someone to make those phone calls or write those letter. Having those supportive community connections will help us with this next grant, too...))
  2. $4000: Scotts Growing to Green-submitted, but we did not get. Sue and I talked about some possible things to add for the next round of submissions in Oct 09. I really think we can get it this time AND Bill Dawson said he would look it over to help out.
  3. $2500-1500: Nature Hills Nursery written and Roger Cherry is checking it for me. Due April 09.
  4. $2500-250: Captain Planet: this is all about kids and environmental connection and involvement. Creating a kid friendly and educational garden is of huge importance to me. This one hasn't been written yet. Due March 31.

I have also posted a lot to the Sycamore Hills CG Blog so that this process can be duplicated by other communities and our own garden will benefit from combined reflection and action. Please check it out:

I thought it might be helpful to see the answers for the Fiskars grant I just wrote so that you can weigh in on any ideas/vision you have for the garden or just be inspired! That is attached.

Just so you know, Sue organized the garden tour and is getting the garden design digitalized to add to the grant. ((Sue, I have another version for you to look at if your friend hasn't done anything yet. I think it might be easier to go with a rectangular version of the garden. I came to this conclusion after I started really getting going on the budget and researched fences.I will scan that and send it out to you in one or two days.))

So, I think that is it. Check out the blog, read over the grant answers, and let me know about the meeting.

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