Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Class and Lack There Of...

I have been talking recently with another community organizer/hopeful community garden creator. She found me from this blog. Our conversations have been extremely helpful in terms of better understanding why the community garden didn't work, and I feel quite strongly that the issue that created the most problem and opposition to the SHCG was CLASS. By class, I mean the socio-economic position of one in society. Looking back at the comments that were made and the issues that came up through the lens of class, I see things much more clearly. Some members of the SH neighborhood, in a desperate attempt to hold onto the idea that they are of the middle class and therefore better than others, saw the community garden as an indicator of a lower socio-economic status. I turn to the words of the Garden Chick to explain this idea better:


Unfortunately, some members of my neighborhood suffer from a lack of class.

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